The MedX Neck Extension Machine is used to treat patients suffering from neck pain and/or headaches caused by muscular weakness or traumatic injury. MedX is recognized as the gold standard for treating and reducing spinal pain and dysfunction through targeted spinal strengthening.
The neck is made of muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, bones, and nerves. Damage to any of these structures may cause pain and dysfunction.
The three types of neck injuries include blunt force, penetration, and repetitive stress.
A sudden impact or blow to the neck may be caused by a fall, assault, or car accident. Whiplash is a common neck injury caused by motor vehicle collisions and contact sports. This type of injury involves an excessive strain of the tendons and ligaments.
A penetrating injury may occur during an accident or assault if the skin and subcutaneous tissue are cut through. This type of injury can cause significant injury and damage to internal structures of the neck and potentially lead to death.
Repetitive stress injuries are not sudden or as forceful as other forms of neck injury. Poor posture over an extended period of time can cause repetitive stress injury to the neck. Other potential causes include looking at electronic screens for a long period of time, exercise, and other physical activities, particularly if the body is not prepared.
Patients with a neck injury may exhibit the following symptoms:
After treatment with the MedX Neck Extension Machine, patients may experience:
Chiropractors use the MedX Neck Extension Machine to isolate and strengthen the muscles of the spine, identify the source of muscle weakness and injury, and customize the exercise, range of motion, and resistance to isolate and strengthen the weakness. MedX medical machines have undergone significant scientific study and have been shown superior to other methods of strength and endurance training.
By training specific movements and preventing abnormal compensations, patients regain their strength and learn to move their spine properly again.
The machine will be adjusted to each individual patient during therapy. The neck muscles will be gradually strengthened through various slow, gentle, and computer-monitored exercises.
During treatment, the patient’s range of motion, strength, and endurance will be measured and compared to established norms. This helps to accurately assess the cervical spine and adjust treatment accordingly. As a result, patients will have fewer symptom flare-ups and a smoother rehabilitation process.
Treatment with the MedX Neck Extension Machine can help patients with:
Patients who have not responded to traditional physical therapy or chiropractic treatment should consider treatment with the MedX Neck Extension Machine.